Memesane Meme Generator is the best Meme generator , Meme creator or Meme maker that is available for android applications right now. Memesane Meme Generator has every tool which a meme maker ever desires. It has brought to you some of the most sophisticated features to make meme just as you desire.
Main features of Memesane Meme Generator:
1) More than 1500 high quality meme templates with many more being added as we speak.
2) Feature to use any image from your gallery on the meme template to make a more enjoyable meme.
3) Add color filters to your meme with Memesane Meme Generator.
4) Add text to the memes and drag it with your finger.
5) Change color of the text, size and rotation according to your needs and add it to the meme.
6) Make the text bold, italics or both in the meme template.
7) Save the meme directly to the gallery and storage.
8) Very immersive premium user interface.
9) Crop the meme template to only put the part you want in the background.
10) Insert emojis from a collection of over 100 in built emojis.
11) Edit images or emojis inserted in the meme.
12) Change image size, rotation, transparency, mirroring effect, or remove them from the meme.
13) Memesane Meme Generator gives you the ability to make custom stickers out of the images you entered from gallery.
14) Help button on top of meme editing page to help users to get started making memes.
15) Option to directly flag a meme as favourite and save it in the favourite section for easy access.
16) No watermarks in the downloaded memes.
17) Memesane Meme Generator has provided privacy policy inside application for those interested.
18) Memesane Meme Generator has in-built link of our official Meme Facebook Page
19) The most demanded breaking news meme template available to use freely.
20) Memesane Meme Generator's new unique meme template - Camera template is also available.
21) Option to use custom image from gallery as the template or use an empty template to make a meme from scratch.
22) Memesane Meme Generator has a separate section of 'New' to provide sorted list of most recently added memes.
23) Memesane Meme Generator has a separate section of 'Popular' to provide sorted list of most popular memes templates.
24) Memes are divided into New memes, General memes, Indian memes, Cartoon memes, Other memes, Popular memes and Favourite memes.
25) Memesane Meme Generator overall is the best meme generator available right now.
Happy Memeing <3
Special Thanks to Icons8 for providing best icon resources for the application.